
USJ Rector gives Prestigious Australian National Lecture





The Rector of USJ, Reverend Professor Stephen Morgan, delivered the third annual Newman Lecture to the combined universities of Notre Dame Australia and Australia Catholic University, at the ACU Saint Patrick’s campus in Melbourne Australia.

On 9th October, the Rector of USJ, Professor Stephen Morgan, delivered the third annual Newman Lecture to the combined universities of Notre Dame Australia and Australia Catholic University, at the ACU Saint Patrick’s campus in Melbourne Australia. 

Professor Morgan, a world recognised authority on the life and thought of the 19th century Catholic Saint, John Henry Newman, had been invited to deliver the lecture at which the chancellors, vice chancellors, senior management and theology and philosophy staff of the two universities, together with the Archbishop of Melbourne, Peter Comensoli and the Papal Nuncio (Ambassador), Archbishop Charles Balvo were present.

Professor Morgan spoke of the challenge of continuity and change for the Catholic Church and answered questions concerning the role and identity of Catholic universities is secular societies. The lecture took place at the end of a five-day visit to the Australian city during which Professor Morgan also taught a seminar on the role of the imagination in religious belief to the doctoral and post-doctoral researchers of the Institute of Religion and Critical Thinking at ACU.


O Reitor da USJ apresenta a Prestigiada Conferência Nacional Australiana

No dia 9 de outubro, o Reitor da USJ, Reverendo Professor Stephen Morgan, apresentou a terceira palestra anual sobre Newman às universidades combinadas da Notre Dame Australia e da Australia Catholic University (ACU), no campus da ACU Saint Patrick’s em Melbourne, Austrália.

O Professor Morgan, uma autoridade mundialmente reconhecida nos estudos sobre a vida e o pensamento do santo católico do século XIX, John Henry Newman, foi convidado a proferir a conferência, na qual estiveram presentes os reitores, os vice-reitores, os diretores e o pessoal de teologia e filosofia das duas universidades, juntamente com o Arcebispo de Melbourne, Peter Comensoli, e o Núncio Apostólico (Embaixador), Arcebispo Charles Balvo.

O Professor Morgan falou do desafio da continuidade e da mudança para a Igreja Católica e respondeu a perguntas sobre o papel e a identidade das universidades católicas nas sociedades seculares. A conferência teve lugar no final de uma visita de cinco dias à cidade australiana, durante a qual o Professor Morgan também deu um seminário sobre o papel da imaginação na crença religiosa aos investigadores de doutoramento e pós-doutoramento do Instituto de Religião e Pensamento Crítico da ACU.

[From left to right: Professor Francis Campbell (Vice Chancellor of University of Notre Dame Australia), Archbishop Peter Comensoli (Archbishop of Melbourne), Martin Daubeny KC (Chancellor of Australian Catholic University), Professor Stephen Morgan (Rector of USJ), Senator Chris Ellison (Chancellor of UNDA), Archbishop Charles Balvo (Papal Nuncio to Australia) and Prof Slatko Skrbis (V-C of ACU)]