
USJ’s Faculty of Religious Studies signed Protocol with UCP’s Faculty of Theology





USJ’s Faculty of Religious Studies signed Protocol with UCP’s Faculty of Theology on 7th January 2016 at St. Joseph’s Seminary

The Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) and the Faculty of Religious Studies of the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) signed a new protocol on 7 January 2016 at the Saint Joseph Seminary to deepen their collaboration.


Under the protocol, UCP grants graduates of USJ’s programme of Christian Studies the first canonical degree in Theology, recognized by all Catholic Theological Faculties.


The Protocol was signed in the presence of the Most Reverend Bishop of the Diocese of Macao, Bishop José Lai, by the Dean of the Faculty of Theology of UCP Prof. João Lourenço and the Dean of the Faculty of Religious Studies of USJ Prof. Arnold Monera to the witnessed of the Rector of USJ Prof. Peter Stilwell and the Rector of UCP Prof. Maria da Glória Ferreira Pinto Dias Garcia.


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