
Visit of the South China Normal University





The South China Normal University visited University of Saint Joseph on 20 November 2019

On 20 November 2019, 27 Social Work students from South China Normal University visited University of Saint Joseph’s (USJ) Ilha Verde campus. The group was led by Professor Yu Bing, the coordinator of the Field Work of Social Work Department, and Professor Li Qiao Ming.

USJ Social Work year 4 students welcomed the visitors and guided a campus tour before they all gathered in a classroom to share their knowledge and experiences of social work profession in Guangzhou and Macau. A simple Macau-style lunch was served. All faculty members from Faculty of Social Sciences(FSS) joined the gathering and welcomed the visitors.

The dean of FSS, Professor Vitor Teixeira gave a welcome speech and a brief introduction of FSS and their Social Work Department. Professor Yu expressed her appreciation for the warm reception and invited USJ social work students to visit South China Normal University someday. The visit served as a platform of exchange in between the social work students of the two universities. This event was sponsored under the projects of the Office for Student and Alumni Affairs (OSAA) given by the Macao Foundation.