December 12, 2019
On December 12th, 2019, during a matchmaking meeting organised by the Macao Government’s Higher Education Bureau and the Hunan Province, USJ signed an MOU with HUNNU to strengthen collaborations.
The Election Day of the University of Saint Joseph’s Student Association (USJSA) has been moved to December 18th, 2019.
“SENSE OF PLACE” by FCI Dean Prof. Carlos Sena Caires and Prof. Gerald Estadieu was exhibited at Madeira Dig 2019 – Digital Music and Art Festival, in Madeira, Portugal, from November 29th to December 8th, 2019.
On December 7th, 2019, the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS) of the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) organised the 3rd FSS-MMSSC Public Lecture and, later that evening, the 1st FSW – Forum of Social Work.
On December 6th and 7th, 2019, USJ’s FSS received a visit by a delegation from the Felizberta Lo Padilla Tong School of Social Sciences of the Hong Kong Caritas Institute of Higher Education (CIHE).
聖若瑟大學學生會於12月6日在聖若瑟大學青洲校舍主辦 “2019聯校相約在 – 聖誔前夕”活動,吸引了來自本澳不同大專院校的學生參與,活動由澳門基金會及高等教育基金贊助。
On December 6th, 2019, Prof. Ning Tang, Coordinator for the Department of Social Work of USJ’s FSS, was invited by the Macau Baptist College to facilitate a talk on school bullying to school directors and teachers.
On December 5th, 2019, Dr. Pedro Moniz Quelhas defended his Doctoral thesis on “Petrology and Geochemistry of the Igneous Rocks from Macao (South China): Tectono-Magmatic Implications”. The thesis was developed in cotutelle between ISE and FCUL.
On December 4th, 2019, Prof. Helen Liu of USJ’s FSS, as the leader of the outreach programme, was invited by the Macao Government Correctional Services Bureau to attend the “Correctional Services Bureau Anniversary Celebration and Christmas Party”.
由青年創業創新籌備委員會及聖若瑟大學學生及校友事務部 (OSAA)合辦的“澳門青年創業創新講座”於11月28日在聖若瑟大學青洲校舍舉行。是次講座邀請到澳門青年創業孵化中心行政總栽林家偉先生為聖大同學們介紹了大灣區內的青創發展概況,澳門青年創業孵化中心的簡介以及青創在大灣區的未來展望。
On November 20th, 2019, the PIRO Team took a group of Fall Semester International Exchange Students to the Macao Food Festival.
November 20, 2019
“Cook For Me” activities, organised by the University’s Office for Student and Alumni Affairs (OSAA) and PichaEats, co-organised by Candle Light Macau and Hey Hey, will be held at the University of Saint Joseph’s Ilha Verde Campus on November 20th and 21st, 2019.