(A photo with the dearest friends I’ve made at ISCTE in my second semester) | Studying abroad has profoundly expanded my horizons and affirmed my ambitions in life. I have met splendid people, solo-travelled to major Western European cities, and picked up cultural habits that were once foreign to me. As the Chinese saying goes, “Travelling brings about far greater benefits than mere book learning.” I feel enhanced, capable of visualising a bigger picture from a boundary-free viewpoint, more dependable, and more well-rounded. What are you waiting for? Pick up your bag and explore the world!
Ambrose António – Year 3 Bachelor of Business Administration (Specialization in Marketing) |
My name is Ana and I spent a semester at the University of Coimbra, in Portugal. I am from Macao and so it was my first trip to Portugal. I think it was a good experience for me. I gained a lot of knowledge and made many local friends. Naturally, I took the opportunity to also visit many other Portuguese cities, such as Lisbon, Batalha, Porto, Aveiro, Santarém, and others. I visited many monuments, churches, beaches, etc. I also liked the weather in Portugal, because it is better than Macao’s weather – Macao is very humid. I also really liked the Portuguese cuisine and did not miss the chance to try the original Portuguese egg tart! The University of Coimbra has amazing views, no doubt it is a beautiful place. When I arrived in Portugal, I was impressed by the architecture and the numerous Roman remains in what is now the Portuguese territory. It shows the quality and durability of the construction. When I left Portugal, I had a special song stuck in my head. It goes like “Coimbra tem mais encanto na hora da despedida (…)” (Coimbra has more charm at the time of goodbye) – I learned this Fado song (traditional Portuguese music genre that is part of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists) when I was studying in Coimbra last semester. Portuguese translation by student O meu nome é Ana e fiz um semestre na Universidade de Coimbra, em Portugal. Eu sou de Macau e então esta foi a minha primeira viagem a Portugal. Eu acho que foi uma boa experiência para mim. Eu ganhei muito conhecimento e fiz muitos amigos locais. Claro que também aproveitei para visitar muitas cidades portuguesas, como por exemplo, Lisboa, Batalha, Porto, Aveiro, Santarém, entre outras. Eu visitei muitos monumentos, igrejas, praias, etc. Eu também gostei do tempo de Portugal, porque é melhor do que o de Macau – Macau é muito húmido. Eu também gostei muito da gastronomia portuguesa e não deixei passar a oportunidade de experimentar o Pastel de Natal original! A Universidade de Coimbra tem uma vista incrível, sem dúvida que é um lugar belo. Quando cheguei a Portugal, fiquei impressionada com a arquitectura e os inúmeros vestígios romanos no que é agora território Português. Mostra a qualidade e durabilidade da construção. Quando eu me vim embora de Portugal, tinha uma canção na cabeça. É algo como “Coimbra tem mais encanto na hora da despedida (…)” – Aprendi esta canção de Fado (género musical Português tradicional que faz parte das listas da UNESCO de Património Cultural Intangível) quando estava a estudar em Coimbra no semestre passado. Tam Wai U, Ana – Year 3 Bachelor of Portuguese-Chinese Studies (Language and Culture) Student Host institution: University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal | |
當我申請交換生計劃,善用一個學期前往里斯本的時候,我提及過我申請的主要原因是我認為這是一個很好的機會,讓我可以於另一個國家體驗當地生活,而我在參與計劃前從未在澳門以外的地方居住過;我亦提及過,交換生計劃不但可以讓我嘗試在另一種學習制度下獲得知識,更可以擴闊視野,幫助我成長,讓我更容易適應新環境,同時探索不同文化以及學習他們的文化。 在海外渡過一個學期以及要暫別家人,這為我的人生上了很多堂課,若不是參與了聖大的交換生計劃,我根本不可能會學的這麼多生活上的知識,我不但掌握了理財,更懂得了獨立和負責任。 一開始的時候,由於我還未熟悉當地文化,我在人際關係方面顯得有點無從入手,但我慢慢嘗試了解,加上我天生就是一個外向的人,我發覺了認識朋友並不困難,我在校內校外的結識了很多新朋友,甚至到現在還有聯係。我參與了當地大學舉辦的不同活動,例如為學生而設的晚餐和派對等,這些都為我帶來了我大學生涯中最好的體驗。 由此可見,交換生計劃改變了我整個人,因為我在歐洲建立了一生一世的友誼,我覺得我的人生目標從此被擴闊了;我認為每個人都應該體驗,至少一次,在另一個城市居住和學習,這將為會你的人生帶來了新的轉變。 Ana Vanessa Gabion – USJ Year 4 Business Administration Student Host institution: Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, Portugal | |
我們一起打保齡球,一起放天燈,一起渡過假期,一起觀賞花展。我們參與了很多由學校舉辦的交換生活動(包括在宜蘭創作屬於自己的T恤),我們也很享受台灣的下午茶和大大小小的不同活動! Mei Leng Chan – USJ Business Administration Student Host institution: Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan ROC | |
我到台灣參與了為期兩星期的暑期項目,我在這不但結識了很多來自世界各地的新朋友,更接觸了台灣文化,這絕對是我學生生涯中最棒的體驗! 台灣是亞洲一個不能不到的地方,我推薦所有人都至少要去一次! Cíntia Leite – USJ Design Student Host institution: Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan ROC | |
在我過去的七個月,我曾經在葡萄牙科英布拉大學參與過交換生計劃,這是一個非常棒的交換生地點,以及我生人中最好的體驗之一。 建於一二九零年,科英布拉大學是葡萄牙其中一所最古老而優秀的大學,校園裡並沒有太多的人,而小班教學的方式令我更容易跟上課程內容,課堂中包含了很多討論的環節,尤其是讓我們分享自己的文化和其歷史,透過討論,我意識到這種互動的學習方式很適合我,這與傳統的教學方法截然不同。 於這段期間,我最大的收穫就是我能夠到訪葡萄牙的各大城市,以及認識許多有著不同文化背景的新朋友,他們教導了我如何辨認來自不同歐洲國家的人,現在我學會了透過基本的對話和臉部表情去識別他們的由來。而且,我非常享受科英布拉的美好夜生活,這是一個古老但奇妙的城市。 總括來說,我認為以當地人的方式生活在科英布拉真的讓我大開眼界。 Amanda – USJ Government Studies Student Host institution: University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal | |
在我於聖大畢業之前,我獲得了前往韓國外國語大學當交換生的機會。 儘管我是韓國人,由於我中學時期已經移居到了澳門,我一直都沒有機會體驗韓國的文化,因此,當我聽到聖大與韓國外國語大學簽署了合作協議,我就立刻決定了申請交換生計劃。 這次是一個非常好的體驗,令我能夠擴闊視野,當我在韓國外國語大學的時候,我加入了一個名叫「Chuihyun」的古典結他社,結識了一班好朋友,我在「Chuihyun」裡渡過了一段美好的時光,創造了一段永不忘記的回憶。 Angela Kim – USJ Business Administration Student Host institution: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea |
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