網路研討會 | 葡語系國家投資訴訟仲裁
聖若瑟大學、中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會 (CIETAC)和澳門比較替代爭議解決學院 (Macau Academy of Comparative Alternative Dispute Resolution)將於 2023 年 3 月 4 日星期四與 ALAM (Associação Lusófona de Arbitragem e Mediação)共同舉辦網絡研討會。
The public lecture “Beach plastics and art”, organised by the Institute of Science and Environment and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, will be held on February 16.
The Institute of Science and Environment’s Science Seminar “How do accessory proteins affect the conformation of Sec61 translocon?” will be held on March 8.
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities is hosting the USJ Language and Linguistics Seminar “Grammar, Gender, and Sex: an unruly threesome” from the Cycle of Conferences on Language and Identity, on February 23.