學制 | 授課語言 | 校舍 |
4年全日制(日校) | 英語 | 青洲校舍 |
本學位的課程主任為 Alessandro Lampo。
- 對學生進行硬性和軟性商業技能培訓,注重社會和人文價值,使其成為有技能、有道德的商業領袖
- 學生會接觸到本地、區域和國際商業案例,為將來的決策和管理應用做準備
- 培養學生成為富有創造力和創新精神的商業領袖,並對跨文化互動有深刻理解
- 企業家
- 國際商務領袖
- 銀行與金融
- 社會創新者
- 具有創新思維
入學資訊 >
Year 1
This course is suitable for students who have no basic knowledge of Chinese.The course uses systematic pronunciation, vocabulary and conversational situational training, step by step, to help students initially master Mandarin listening, speaking, reading, writing, mandarin translation and pinyin skills, to initially establish a foundation for the study of Mandarin. At the same time, with the systematic pronunciation method training, students are guided to understand Putonghua and its characteristics, and initially cultivate the ability to judge the pronunciation and correct use of Putonghua.
This course is suitable for students who have some basic knowledge of Chinese. The course is intended to rise the level of proficiency of students with a basic level of mandarin. Students are expected to understand basic phrases about common topics, communicate simple and routine tasks and be more familiar with the pinyin phonetic system in order to better understand the pronounciation of Chinese words.
This module is the entry level of the university English language curriculum and is designed so the learners can interact in a simple way, ask and answer simple questions about themselves, where they live, people they know, and things they have, initiate and respond to simple statements in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics, rather than relying purely on a very finite rehearsed, lexically-organised repertoire of situation-specific phrases. It includes learner- centered activities and projects are aimed at exploring meaningful and relevant English language use at an appropriate level of learning.
This module is a continuation of Foundational University English I and is intended to reinforce the English language skills of learners in so that they can meet the requirements to progress to B1 under the Common European Framework. It contains a range of topics to enable the learners to further develop their ability to interact in a simple way, and respond to simple statements in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics. This module is designed to learner- centered activities and projects are aimed at exploring meaningful and relevant English language use at an appropriate level of learning.
This course is suitable for students who have no basic knowledge of Portuguese.The module will provide students with a basic level of cultural and linguistic proficiency in all communicative skills, including comprehension, expression and production, oral and written codes, and lexical and grammatical functioning of the language, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level A1.1. The content of Portuguese I, with stress on oral drills, will focus on the personal information and description of one’s own and others.
This course is suitable for students that have very basic knowledge of Portuguese in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level A1.1. The module will provide students with a basic level of cultural and linguistic proficiency in all communicative skills, including comprehension, expression and production, oral and written codes, and lexical and grammatical functioning of the language, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level A1.2. The content of Portuguese II will focus on providing information about personal and immediate concrete surroundings.
This module aims to provide basic foundations of math concepts for Business Administration professionals. Concepts to be used in future modules of Finance, Economics, and Business Analytics are covered, always focused on real-world applications and examples and based on computational tools such as Excel, R and SPSS to allow the students to clearly understand concepts such as differentiation and integration, functions and their graphs, limits and continuity, integration and approximating area, parametric equations, differential equations, and sequences and series.
This course introduces the ethical issues in the business environment. It gives not only understanding of main theoretical concepts, but also developing skills of identification, analysis of ethical dilemmas in a business environment.
This course includes three parts. The first part, focuses on foundational issues of Ethic and business ethics. The second part focuses on the implementation of ethical standards in business organization. The third part focuses on case studies about ethical issues in Marketing, Technology and finally the implementation of company’s social responsibility.
This course includes three parts. The first part, focuses on foundational issues of Ethic and business ethics. The second part focuses on the implementation of ethical standards in business organization. The third part focuses on case studies about ethical issues in Marketing, Technology and finally the implementation of company’s social responsibility.
This course provides students with the foundational knowledge of management theories and practice. It is an introductory course on management covering all traditional leadership, planning, organizing, and controlling approaches. This course covers different management areas, including human resources management, strategic management, and behavioural areas such as motivation.
This course was designed to introduce the student to accounting principles, practices and techniques. The objective is to enable students to analyze financial reports, apply accounting conceptual framework in business problems analysis and possess accounting skills and knowledge, on which to base the process of continuous professional development. It also contributes to the development of ethical reasoning with the conceptual framework necessary to appreciate and understand problems in the world today.
In an increasingly competitive marketplace, marketing skills are essential to help companies stand out, build customers’ loyalty and maintain long term relationships. Using real businesses as case studies, this module is designed to introduce students to the latest theories and practices associated with managing marketing programs. In particular, students will learn how to use segmentation, targeting, positioning, and build a compelling marketing mix strategy to attract and retain customers. By the end of the course students will gain the fundamental skillsto create a comprehensive marketing program for a real product, with ethical principles in mind. In this module cooperative learning principles and assessment techniques are applied; emphasis is placed on enhancing student-to-student learning and this includes the formation of student teams for involvement in various pieces of module assessment such as class workshops and project work.
This learning background of Business Math is desirable. This module provides an introduction of basic concepts relates do probability and statistics, and motivates students to build skills in data collection and analysis. Topics covered include statistics and data analysis, probability, random variables and probability distributions, mathematical expectation, some discrete probability distributions, some continuous probability distributions, functions of random variables, fundamental sampling distributions and data descriptions, sample estimation problems, tests of hypotheses, simple linear regression and correlation, experiments and fractions, as well as statistical quality control.
This course introduces microeconomics. It studies how individual buyers and sellers make decisions, and consequently how these decisions interact and exert an impact on the competitive market. In particular, topics of supply and demand, consumer theory and production theory will be analyzed. To showcase the applicability of the theories, the costs of taxation will also be discussed.
This module introduces and explores the main concepts of academic and digital literacy. Students will gain an overview of research intent and design, methodology and technique, format and presentation, and data analysis and management. Furthermore, this module will guide the students in writing and reading tasks required in an academic context and help them to plan and write essays in academic language and format. To succeed as a student and in the professional world the module's content will help the students develop skills to create and perform academic and professional presentations. Furthermore, educational and digital literacy operate rapidly into the emergence of new forms of communication and interaction; therefore, they are crucial to be understood and used effectively and efficient way. This module will prepare students with the appropriate ability to find, evaluate, and compose clear information through writing and other media on various digital platforms.
Most “Thinking and Reasoning” courses offered in colleges and universities are taught and designed by professors from departments of philosophy and sometimes psychology. Not surprisingly, the questions asked and the critical thinking skills these questions are expected to stimulate and develop tend to be framed, in varying degrees of explicitness, by the instructor’s own disciplinary training and interests. Hence, it is often that “Thinking and Reasoning” courses speak of “higher-order thinking”, “philosophic and logic systems”, “analytical forms of reasoning”, and so on. This module takes a practical approach to thinking and reasoning as a liberal arts standard core module for beginning university students. In designing this course, particular attention is given to critical and analytical skills that are more immediately applied or “useful,” i.e., learning competencies that can be readily transferable across disciplines.
Nevertheless, the module focuses on issues of application, decision and judgment, tangible outcomes and results, and transferable strategies through a rigorous examination of the processes of thinking and learning at the undergraduate level. In other words, the module aims to enhance students’ capabilities to see things from different perspectives, emphasizing the role of imagination and creative thinking in articulating ideas. It will develop competencies in critical thinking and working collaboratively with others.
Nevertheless, the module focuses on issues of application, decision and judgment, tangible outcomes and results, and transferable strategies through a rigorous examination of the processes of thinking and learning at the undergraduate level. In other words, the module aims to enhance students’ capabilities to see things from different perspectives, emphasizing the role of imagination and creative thinking in articulating ideas. It will develop competencies in critical thinking and working collaboratively with others.
This course was design to introduce the student to the Excel environment, and give the ability to use of the program’s features. Students will create, manage professional spreadsheets for a variety of specialized purposes and situations. They will customize their Excel environments to meet project needs and to enhance productivity. The objective of the module is to equip students with Excel skills and knowledge, on which to base the process of continuous professional development.
Year 2
This course is suitable for foreigners who basic knowledge of Chinese mandarin (A1 level). The course aims at students with a basic knowdlege to keep developing their level of mandarin Chinese. Students are expected to produce short texts of topics that are familiar to them, communicate with simple sentences in different social contexts, enrich their mandarin Chinese vocabulary knowledge and understand some elements of Chinese culture related to food and manners in a social context.
This course is suitable for students who have some basic knowledge of Chinese (A2.1 level). Students are expected to keep developing their mandarin Chinese level, focusing on producing simple texts about topics like self-introduction or daily routine, be familiar with Chinese characters even if they are not able to remember the sound, expand their vocabulary to topics related to daily life, family and work related tasks and demonstrate knowledge about the main traits of Chinese geography, Chinese tradiotinal festivals and the the great variety of Chinese dialects.
This module is intended to reinforce the English language skills of learners in so that they can meet the requirements to progress to B2 under the Common European Framework. It contains a range of topics to enable the learners to express themselves in a range of contexts and enables them to follows the main point of discussion around them and speak in a clearly articulated standard version. It develops their ability to express themselves comprehensibly and to cope with situations in everyday life. This module is designed to learner- centered activities and projects are aimed at exploring meaningful and relevant English language use at an appropriate level of learning.
This module builds on Professional English I and is intended to reinforce the English language skills of learners so that they can meet the requirements to progress to B2 under the Common European Framework. Learners participate in discussions and activities on relevant topics. They will learn how to explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options and how to develop an argument giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view. They will further develop their spoken and writing skills in a variety of situations through learner - centered activities and projects at an appropriate level of learning.
This course is suitable for students that have basic knowledge of Portuguese in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level A1. The module will provide students with a level of cultural and linguistic proficiency in all communicative skills, including comprehension, expression and production, oral and written codes, and lexical and grammatical functioning of the language, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level A2.1. The content of Portuguese III will focus on understanding vocabulary related to areas of most immediate personal relevance and the main point in short, clear, simple, messages and announcements.
This course is suitable for students that have basic knowledge of Portuguese in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level A2.1. The module will provide students with a level of cultural and linguistic proficiency in all communicative skills, including comprehension, expression and production, oral and written codes, and lexical and grammatical functioning of the language, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level A2.2. The content of Portuguese IV will focus on understanding vocabulary related to areas of most immediate personal relevance and the main point in short, clear, simple, messages and announcements. Write and interpret personal simple letters and emails and/or publications in social media that refer to familiar topics.
This module covers the fundamentals of human resources management (HRM). Topics cover all aspects of HR management, including strategy, HR planning, recruitment, training and compensation. Contemporary topics on managing personnel, talent management, and issues on HR in SMEs will also be discussed. This module aims to familiarise students with HRM principles and apply them in real-life practices through case studies.
The aim of this module is to enable students to apply the fundamental ideas of financial economics to problems in the area of corporate finance. Students will learn how financial decisions – working capital, capital structure, and capital budgeting decisions – can affect the company’s value will overview the basic principles of corporate finance from the perspective of a financial manager.
The world has radically shrunk over the years, and products manufactured in one country are often finding growing acceptance in others. Building on the previous Marketing I module, this course is designed to equip students with the key tools to explore and understand marketing practices from an international perspective. In particular, students will learn how to evaluate global markets, the major ways of entering a foreign market, and to what extent the company must adapt its products to the new reality. By the end of the course students will acquire the basic decision-making skills to design an international marketing program for an actual product. Special emphasis will be placed on cultural and environmental aspects of international marketing. In this module cooperative learning principles and assessment techniques are applied; emphasis is placed on enhancing student-to-student learning and this includes the formation of student teams for involvement in various pieces of module assessment such as class workshops and project work.
The study of entrepreneurship is more than just starting up new ventures and creating profit. It is becoming more important in modern enterprises to hire employees with entrepreneurial qualities and nurture internal entrepreneurs. Moreover, many social entrepreneurs are applying their business skills to create social enterprises to tackle social problems. Enterprising people are found in organisations, from large international corporations to private small-to-medium enterprises, to non-profit organisations. Therefore, this course aims to offer students a wide perspective on entrepreneurship and the study of enterprises, covering corporate entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, social responsibilities, and creativity and innovation.
Among the topics this course addresses are economic analysis and optimal decisions, consumer choice and the demand for products, production functions and cost curves, market structures and strategic interactions, and pricing and non-price concepts. Cases and problems are used to understand economic tools and their potential for solving real-world problems.
This module provides the foundations of Business Analytics and and their application in business and management areas. A key area covered includes information system security and control, data protection and ethical and social impact of business analytics and information systems. New technologies with significant impact in the business area are also covered such as Data Privacy, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Internet of Things, Fintech and Blockchain. Practical approach will be adopted with workshops and hands on activities. The use of data visualizations computational tools such as Tableau and MS PowerBI will be presented and used in the projects.
Businesses are striving to improve productivity, quality and reduce costs. This course helps students to understand the role of Operations Management in an organization, and to generate strategies to solve problems in relevant areas such as capacity, productivity, quality and supply chains. By the end of the module students will acquire the right tools and techniques to estimate, manage and analyze with confidence the essential elements of operations management. In this module cooperative learning principles and assessment techniques are applied; emphasis is placed on enhancing studentto-student learning and this includes the formation of student teams for involvement in various pieces of module assessment such as class workshops and project work.
Leading an organisation is leading a group of individuals. While human resources management looks at managing people, organisational behaviour informs leaders of how individuals behave in teams and organisations. This module develops students’ understanding of individual behaviour in an organisational setting. As effective leaders, students are expected to analyse team and organisational processes and performance from the point of view of employee motivation, stress, team dynamics, organisational power, change, culture and development. Students are then expected to develop an organisational structure that enhances motivation and relationships.
This module will use a combination of teaching, class discussion, reading and role play to develop effective approaches to conducting business and reaching agreement in business negotiation. Students will be introduced to the framework and tactics of business negotiations, the cultural aspect of negotiation, the qualities of good negotiators, the power and ethical issues of negotiation and the examples of negotiation across countries.
This module presents the key philosophical concepts as developed in the Aristotelian tradition, including (1) natural being, (2) human being and (3) the source and end of being. Students will first acquire an overview of philosophical anthropology, ethics and ontology. Students will then be exposed to Confucian thought and specifically Thomistic perspectives on virtue and natural law. The study of ethics goes beyond abstract considerations of right and wrong conduct or just and unjust behaviour to encompass inquiry into what constitutes “the good life” or a life worth living. A special focus will be given to the relevance of the Western Canonical tradition on value judgments and moral questions.
This module provides an understanding on the Chinese National Culture, it’s History and Philosophy. Furthermore, the module provides an overview of the key features and evolution of the China's political and legal system. There will be several topics covered in this course, including Chinese political ideology and organizations (the Chinese Communist Party and state institutions), legal and judicial systems and institutions, legislative systems and processes (the People's Congresses and the Political Consultative Conferences), and bureaucratic processes. In addition, the course introduces the concept of the One Country Two System and its operation.
Year 3
This course is suitable for students who have an upper basic level knowledge of Chinese (A2 level). The module intends to give students the means to understand short texts in traditional media, develop their capacity to extract keywords from a text and reproduce it in their own words, make them able to make comparisons between people and things in topics related to personal life and also help them keep expanding their Chinese mandarin vocabulary.
This course is suitable for foreigners who have some basic elementary knowledge of Chinese (B1.1 level). This course aims to give students the means to give full personal details about themselves and others, express daily habits, perform normal daily tasks with ease, understand and write short texts and be able to identify and summarize information in short texts in media publications.
This is a one-semester Academic English course for advanced English language level users. This course enhances academic language skills through learner’s participation in advanced general and academic faculty discipline-related activities. The use of relevant discipline-related materials can facilitate learners’ development of appropriate grammar and genre text styles, and extend their vocabulary, language skills and understanding of nuance for a variety of academic and general contexts. The course provides learners with the advanced academic English skills that are necessary for studying in English at university level.
This is a one-semester Academic English course for advanced English language level users and is a continuation of Academic English and Critical Skills I. This course enhances academic language skills through learner’s participation in advanced general and academic faculty discipline-related activities. The main focus is on lexical and pragmatic features, rather than grammatical features of English and utilizes relevant discipline-related materials to facilitate learners’ development of genre styles, and extending language skills for a variety of academic contexts. The course provides learners with the advanced academic English skills that are necessary for studying in English at university level.
This course is suitable for students that have elementary knowledge of Portuguese in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level A2. The module will provide students with a level of cultural and linguistic proficiency in all communicative skills, including comprehension, expression and production, oral and written codes, and lexical and grammatical functioning of the language, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level B1.1. The content of Portuguese V will focus on interpreting texts that consist mainly of high frequency every day language, description of events, feelings and wishes and the description of experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
This course is suitable for students that have elementary knowledge of Portuguese in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level B1.1. The module will provide students with a level of cultural and linguistic proficiency in all communicative skills, including comprehension, expression and production, oral and written codes, and lexical and grammatical functioning of the language, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level B1.2. The content of Portuguese VI will focus on developing the understanding of the main point of many radio or TV programmes, texts from newspaper, advertisements on current affairs or topics of personal and professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear and on understanding texts that consist mainly of high frequency every day or job-related language.
This module aims to enhance students' strategic thinking by using various strategic management tools and analyses of different leadership styles. Students go through different steps of a strategic development framework, applying strategic tools with cases to prepare them for practical analysis and creating strategies for a company in real life. The different leadership styles will be discussed and analysed for application in the students' final strategic plan.
This module first gives students an overview of the international trade environment in recent decades, answering questions of HOW trade is measured, WHO are trading, WHAT is being traded at different periods and finally WHY countries trade. Students will learn that these questions can be studied through economic trade models such as the Ricardian model, the standard trade model and the theories on economies of scale. These models aim at deriving and explaining the terms of trade, the patterns of trade and the winners/losers of trade. This module concludes with an introduction of international transactions, covering the International Commercial Terms (Incoterms) published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), as well as methods of payment used by exporters and importers in the global marketplace.
This module introduces students to important concepts, issues and application techniques for planning, managing and controlling small, medium and large projects. In particular popular approaches and methodologies for planning, managing and controlling selected different kinds of project are considered in detail, such as rapid prototyping, together with business improvement methodologies such as Critical Path Method (CPM) and PERT used for larger industrial projects. A case approach and project-oriented learning is adopted. The students will plan, manage and complete a real-life project. Computer software packages for project management are used.
In the recent years, the traditional commercial enterprises and the governments have shown their limitations as to the provision of public goods to the community. This has led to the emergence of the social business by using traditional business skills to create a social value.
Therefore, this course is designed to teach students how social enterprise create social value. In that regard, the teaching will focus on how to set social mission, plan social business, get resources and scale up.
Therefore, this course is designed to teach students how social enterprise create social value. In that regard, the teaching will focus on how to set social mission, plan social business, get resources and scale up.
International Corporate Finance module is designed to provide students a broad overview of the corporate finance manager’s role in a international market framework in which the firm operates. The central theme of this course is to learn how to navigate the financial decisions of a multinational firm or company that operates in a foreign economy.
The class focuses on international aspects of financial markets and the effects of trends in technology, globalization, and regulation. Currency exchange rates have a major impact on international transactions and on the environment businesses operate. The class studies the markets for foreign exchange. As the most liquid financial market, there are a variety of derivative contracts available on currencies such as forwards, futures, options and swaps. For many firms, exchange rates are primarily viewed as risks affecting operational and financial positions that need to be managed. Currency risk management is one of the class’ main focuses. The class studies currency investment strategies such as carry trades, momentum and fundamental approaches.
The class focuses on international aspects of financial markets and the effects of trends in technology, globalization, and regulation. Currency exchange rates have a major impact on international transactions and on the environment businesses operate. The class studies the markets for foreign exchange. As the most liquid financial market, there are a variety of derivative contracts available on currencies such as forwards, futures, options and swaps. For many firms, exchange rates are primarily viewed as risks affecting operational and financial positions that need to be managed. Currency risk management is one of the class’ main focuses. The class studies currency investment strategies such as carry trades, momentum and fundamental approaches.
The objective of the module Management Accounting is to provide an overview of managerial accounting and financial control processes, including budget financial statements and the uses of incremental analysis and capital budgeting techniques in management’s decision making process. The focus is on practical applications and on how these relate to organizational objectives. Students are stimulated to develop team work to solve the problems assigned based on cooperative learning. Students are also required to prepare individual readings and exercises to be reported in class.
The objective of this course is to study the major decision-making areas of managerial finance and some selected topics in financial theory. The course reviews the theory and empirical evidence related to the investment and financing policies of the firm and attempts to develop decision-making ability in these areas.
This course builds on the basic building blocks introduced in the previous related modules to understand the economics of corporate finance with real world applications. A broad array of topics will be discussed including: cost of capital and capital budgeting, capital structure, and real world payout policies.
This course builds on the basic building blocks introduced in the previous related modules to understand the economics of corporate finance with real world applications. A broad array of topics will be discussed including: cost of capital and capital budgeting, capital structure, and real world payout policies.
The course studies financial markets, principally equity markets, from an investment decision-making perspective. The course develops a set of conceptual frameworks and analytical tools and then applies these to particular investments and investment strategies chosen from a fairly broad array of companies, securities, and institutional contexts. The focus is on adding value across the spectrum of decisions ranging from position-taking in particular securities, to portfolio risk management, and to the delegation to and oversight of professional investment managers. In conjunction, the course explores the competitive dynamics among investment organizations, products, and markets.
Companies are increasingly shifting their marketing efforts to digital technologies. This course in Digital Marketing helps students understand the role of digital technologies and how to use them to create competitive advantage and deliver value online. In particular this module focuses on search engines, social media and mobile applications. By the end of the course, students will gain the solid understanding required to navigate digital marketing topics, and will learn to qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the impact of their marketing efforts online. Students will have ample opportunities to practice digital strategies with in-class exercises, and familiarize with the technology from the perspective of a marketing manager. In this module cooperative learning principles and assessment techniques are applied; emphasis is placed on enhancing student-to-student learning and this includes the formation of teams for involvement in various pieces of module assessment such as class workshops and project work.
Advertising and Promotion are integral components of marketing. This course provides students with the theory and techniques necessary to understand and implement comprehensive advertising and promotion campaigns. By the end of the module, students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to create and evaluate effective advertising strategies for a real product. Emphasis will be placed on understanding customers’ motivations and designing effective message tactics. Moreover, students will understand advertising from the broader Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) perspective. In this module cooperative learning principles and assessment techniques are applied; emphasis is placed on enhancing student-to-student learning and this includes the formation of student teams for involvement in various pieces of module assessment such as class workshops and project work.
In an increasingly sophisticated and cluttered global market, organizations strive to be heard by their customers. This module is designed to help students appreciate the importance of integrating all marketing communications, how these are created and diffused through the different media channels that are available. By the end of the module, students will gain an understanding of the key terminology and concepts that are required to design a comprehensive communication program. Also, throughout the course students will have ample opportunities to develop their copy-writing and storytelling skills in a marketing context. In this module cooperative learning principles and assessment techniques are applied; emphasis is placed on enhancing student-to-student learning and this includes the formation of student teams for involvement in various pieces of module assessment such as class workshops and project work.
Consumers’ decisions are often complex and far from rational. This course explores consumer behavior from a marketing perspective, while considering the contributions from psychology, sociology, and anthropology. In particular, students will understand how individual behavioral variables (e.g., needs, motives, perceptions, attitudes, personality, learning) and group influences (e.g., family, social groups, culture, subculture) affect the consumer decision-making process, and how the behavioris likely to change during one’s life cycle. In this module cooperative learning principles and assessment techniques are applied; emphasis is placed on enhancing student-to-student learning and this includes the formation of student teams for involvement in various pieces of module assessment such as class workshops and project work.
Companies are increasingly shifting their marketing efforts to digital technologies. This course in Digital Marketing helps students understand the role of digital technologies and how to use them to create competitive advantage and deliver value online. In particular this module focuses on search engines, social media and mobile applications. By the end of the course, students will gain the solid understanding required to navigate digital marketing topics, and will learn to qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the impact of their marketing efforts online. Students will have ample opportunities to practice digital strategies with in-class exercises, and familiarize with the technology from the perspective of a marketing manager. In this module cooperative learning principles and assessment techniques are applied; emphasis is placed on enhancing student-to-student learning and this includes the formation of teams for involvement in various pieces of module assessment such as class workshops and project work.
This course analyses the characteristics that are unique to family businesses. Topics includes the role of the founding family in the firm; the specific assets created by the founding family that are valuable to the firm; how the founding family through its preferences, affairs and values affects corporate strategies and firm value; how the family preserves its control while expanding its business worldwide; and various challenges faced by the firm together with strategies to help it survive across generations. At the end of the course, students will understand why private equity often targets family businesses.
This module provides the foundations for the modeling and development of information systems following their applicability in businesses. Topics covered include foundations of programming and programming languages, modeling and managing data and different architectures of application development. Electronic commerce and electronic business application development are also covered. The module will be focused on projects and computer lab will be used constantly. Computational tools such as Python Notebooks, Tableau, IBM SPSS, MS PowerBI and R Studio are also going to be presented to the students.
This module covers the strategic role of information systems in organizations and management, electronic commerce and electronic business, planning, controlling, and redesigning the organization with process modeling and the adoption of information systems, managing knowledge, enhancing management decision making. A practical and clear understanding of the requirements definition phase is a key part of the course. Process design notations and workflow automatic systems are studied and the students will develop real case studies based on user interviews and solving problems.
Data modeling is a key skill for business analytics professionals which must cover a wide area of skills and competences, ranging from learning technical aspects of software application development, to transforming user or customer requirements into data persistence level. New trends are also discussed such as mobile applications, cloud computing, distributed processing, and blockchain. The approach is practical with theoretical background presented in a project-based learning model.
"Art Appreciation" is a Liberal Arts module that aims to develop students' ability to discuss, analyse, understand and criticise works of Art. Through multi and interdisciplinary approaches, this 2-credit module equips students with a broad overview and knowledge of the theoretical, historical, and cultural aspects and relevance of the Arts in general and the Sacred Aesthetical tradition. The ten sessions will focus on the analysis and appreciation of works of Art based on aesthetic value, historical context, tradition, and social relevance. The assumption, function, and nature of the Sacred Arts (such as painting, sculpture, music, literature, etc.) related to creativity, imagination and innovation will be at the core of this module. Students will learn to deepen their sensitivity to self, community, and society and discover their identity through Art with respect to their background, culture, and nationality. By providing measurable standards for understanding artistic intent and expression through the essential elements of Aesthetics and Beauty, Art and Transcendence, students may increase their Appreciation of the arts' role in today society.
This module provides students with an overview of major debates, trends, and factors that influence China's foreign policy. It will help students understand the pillars, principles and actors that shape the Chinese foreign policy. In this regard, the following topics will be explored in the course: the module will examine the actors, principles, constraints, and tools involved in the process of making foreign policy. On the other hand, the module will describe China's relations with the rest of the world through case studies. In order to achieve this, the course combines theoretical lectures, guest speakers, group exercises, and practical workshops. Additionally, this module will prepare students to conduct research on Chinese foreign policy.
Year 4
This course provides an overview of the legal and regulatory environment affecting business in Macau. Topics include contract formation and enforcement, property rights, protection of intellectual property rights, forms of business organization and business disputes resolutions.
The Portfolio module showcases all that the students have learnt in their four years of undergraduate studies. The module consists of two main areas: preparing students for their future careers and organising an annual event. Throughout this module, students will be exposed to experts from the industry by attending talks related to information about different industries, skills for job hunting, as well as visiting organisations in Macau and the Greater Bay Area. Students will also organise an event as their final project which they will be required to use their knowledge and techniques from planning, organising, promoting, and controlling the event.
The academic internship module creates links between students’ academic studies and the work environments. The module allows students to apply their acquired academic skills to solving and advising on real business problems under the guidance and supervision of a partner organization and the internship program coordinator.
This course covers one of the most exciting yet fundamental areas in finance: derivative securities. In the modern financial architecture, financial derivatives can be the most challenging and exotic securities traded by institutional specialists, while at the same time, they can also be one of the most basic securities commonly traded by retail investors such as S&P 500 Index Options. Beyond trading, the basic ideas of financial derivatives serve as building blocks to understand a much broader class of financial problems, such as complex asset portfolios, strategic corporate decisions, and stages in venture capital investing. It is as important to understand both the opportunities offered by these derivative instruments as well as the risks they imply.
The breakout of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) as a pandemic has caused global stock markets to plummet and led to a global economic recession. It further highlights the importance of advanced derivatives trading techniques for hedging similar risks.
The breakout of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) as a pandemic has caused global stock markets to plummet and led to a global economic recession. It further highlights the importance of advanced derivatives trading techniques for hedging similar risks.
This course develops the tools needed to describe financial markets, make predictions in the face of uncertainty, and find optimal solutions to business and investment decisions. It will help anyone seeking to confidently model risky or uncertain outcomes. Its topics are essential knowledge for applying the theory of modern finance to real-world settings. The course is an introduction to computational finance and financial econometrics. As such, the course utilizes concepts from microeconomics, finance, mathematical optimization, data analysis, probability models, statistical analysis and econometrics. The emphasis of the course will be on making the transition from an economic model of asset return behavior to an econometric model using real data.
The objective of this course is to learn firm, debt, and equity valuation methods in a framework that is both conceptually rigorous and relevant for practice. While new concepts are introduced in the course, the emphasis is on properly applying finance and accounting concepts already covered in other courses to value real companies.This course is designed to blend lecture and the case method, on several important topics in the area of financial management. The class lecture is to refresh underlying theories and necessary analytical techniques useful in handling the quantitative aspects of cases. The heart of the case method of instruction is the use of problems to train the student to apply the knowledge learned in the classroom, and to discover ways of thinking that are productive in the subject area. Case problems often confront students with the necessity of making decisions, and this is perhaps their greatest value. The student cannot stop with an understanding of the facts and a listing of items that deserve consideration. To be effective, the student must actually think the problem through to a decision, explain his or her analysis to the class, and defend it against other ideas. The need to choose among balanced alternatives and to discuss the decision intelligently is a great force in learning.
This seminar-based module consists of talks on the latest finance trends. Professionals from the industry and researchers in finance will be invited to talk on different topics about the various players from the financial industry in Macau and China and the future of Macau as a financial hub in the GBA. This module aims to help students understand the different challenges and opportunities in the real world and learn from real-life experiences. Students are required to write reflective journals and give their insight into the new in finance. At the end of the module, students are expected to present a topic concerning the emerging finance trends in Macau (or selected countries) to demonstrate their acquired knowledge from classes and talk series.
Marketing strategy is concerned with all those tactics and plans that help companies maximize their long-term profitability. The course builds on the core marketing modules and examine strategies related to concepts such as product life cycle, adoption, segmentation, branding, pricing, distribution, and marketing communications. By the end of the module student will have the notions, tools and frameworks to devise comprehensive marketing strategiesfor products and services. In this module cooperative learning principles and assessment techniques are applied; emphasis is placed on enhancing studentto-student learning and this includes the formation of student teams for involvement in various pieces of module assessment such as class workshops and project work.
This course discusses some of the key concepts, processes, tools and techniques commonly used in marketing research used. The module is designed to introduce technical and analytical concepts in an accessible manner, and it is structured around broad areas each one focusing on a specific topic related to a typical marketing research project. By the end of the course students will become familiar with the basic principles and tools in marketing research. Students will also learn how to design a market research project to address a management problem, as well as how to evaluate and interpret the findings. In this module cooperative learning principles and assessment techniques are applied; emphasis is placed on enhancing student-to-student learning and this includes the formation of student teams for involvement in various pieces of module assessment such as class workshops and project work.
This course examines the application of marketing principles to influence human behavior for the benefit of individuals and society as a whole. Students will learn how to implement social-marketing campaigns to foster specific goals and objectives in a community. The width and breath of the topics are very wide and range from disease prevention to wearing seat belts or stop smoking. By the end of the module students will be able to use marketing principles to develop strategies and programs to bring behavioral change for a social good. Special consideration will be given to ethical issues and dilemmas that derive from the use of the applied strategies. In this module cooperative learning principles and assessment techniques are applied; emphasis is placed on enhancing student-to-student learning and this includes the formation of student teams for involvement in various pieces of module assessment such as class workshops and project work.
Special Topics in Marketing focuses on the role of marketing applied to “real world” issues. The course focuses on trending areas that build on the students’ acquired marketing knowledge, from both a theoretical and managerial perspective. Structured in workshop-based sessions which involve lectures, case-study discussions and seminars, this course is designed to be practical and experiential. By the end of the module students will have developed expertise in the reviewed topics and the capability to accomplish projects and assignments in more complex situations
This module addresses the challenges confronting managers and firms competing internationally. The course focuses on leading local firms or multinational enterprises (“MNEs”), which own, control or plan to utilize significant resources and operations to reach or already operating in several, often-disparate countries, cultures and markets. The incumbents’ performances depend on internal and external income streams denominated in multiple currencies and performance in various markets based on various environmental factors. MNEs have operations situated in different locations and often face conflicting public policy priorities, product references, and standards of ethical conduct. The context creates strategic challenges that are distinctly different from operating in a single country.
This course will focus on financing issues facing new, young, and small business ventures. The course is intended for both entrepreneurs and employees in these types of ventures. There will be some analysis of financial statements, create financial forecasts, and valuate these types of ventures. We will study the tools and methods used in determining how much money a venture actually needs in order to be viable. Further, we will explore tools and approaches used when selling an idea to potential investors. Attention will be devoted to the different types of financing alternatives available to new, young, and small ventures. The venture capital market will be investigated, including self-financing, debt financing, angel financing, and financing from venture capital firms. In addition, we will explore issues involved in negotiating deals and in formulating deal structures. Students will be encouraged to understand financing issues and options from the vantage points of the entrepreneur, the lender, and the investor.
SME stands for small-to-medium enterprises. SMEs make up a majority of businesses in different countries. This module focuses on starting, operating and managing an SME, preparing students to understand and analyse the opportunity, challenges, and rewards of starting their own business and equipping them with the tools to be successful entrepreneurs. Topics include forms of ownership, government regulation, financing, legal issues, marketing strategies, and how to prepare a business plan.
This seminar-based module consists of talks on the latest issues concerning entrepreneurship. Professionals from the industry and researchers in entrepreneurship will be invited to talk on different topics about starting and running their ventures in Macau and China, challenges facing entrepreneurs, new policies that impact entrepreneurship, etc. This module aims to help students understand entrepreneurship in the real world and learn from real-life experiences instead of from books. Students are required to write reflective journals and give their insight into the new trends in entrepreneurship. At the end of the module, students are expected to present a topic concerning the emerging trends in entrepreneurship in Macau (or selected countries) to demonstrate what they have learnt and analysed from the talk series.
This module discusses from the beginning how technology is a key area of business disruption, focusing on new industries and innovations based on Artificial Intelligence. More advanced data analysis techniques that were not presented before such as non-linear classification, data clustering and forecasting models are presented with the focus on real businesses applications. In addition, the adoption of AI tools is intensively discussed, differentiating the use of supervised and non-supervised techniques to solve real-life problems. The approach will be practical and project-based. Machine learning and deep learning case studies are presented using several different public datasets with analysis from different industries, such as healthcare, tourism, finance and economy.
Special Topics in Business Analytics focuses on the application of tools and techniques to solve “real world” problems. The course focuses on trending areas that build on the students’ acquired business analytics knowledge, from both a theoretical and managerial perspective. Structured in workshop-based sessions which involve lectures, case-study discussions and seminars, this course is designed to be practical and experiential. By the end of the module students will have developed expertise in the reviewed topics and the capability to accomplish projects and assignments in more complex situations.
This module aims to bring to the discussion several applications of Business Analytics tools and techniques to different industries such as Tourism, Human Resources, Healthcare and Finance, among several others. From the data collection, application modelling and effective data analysis, this module will be project based and focused on real-life case studies and available datasets. The learning process should follow a project-based learning approach and the students will handle real businesses data and provide analysis and solutions using computational tools and reasoning.
Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. By exploring how interconnected elements, such as economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection are crucial for the well-being of individuals and societies, this module empowers students to become positive change agents of change, today and in their future professional practices. The module will help students understand sustainability from cultural and canonical philosophy perspective and put into practice the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Furthermore, they will become familiar with the Laudato Si” Sustainable Goals on “care for our common home”. In addition, this module will allow to practice social outreach and to engage with the University of Saint Joseph’s sustainability agenda for Macao.
The course aims to develop a basic understanding of China’s historical relations with the world. Specifically, it explains the socio-historical environment and cultural identity of Macau, covering key aspects of its development over four centuries. The module will enhance understanding of the key socioeconomic aspects in the relationship between China and the Portuguese speaking world. The course addresses Macau’s past and present, including the basic concepts, theories, principles and spirit of the Constitution and the Basic Law. It covers residents’ fundamental rights and duties, political structure, economy, and culture. Furthermore, key events that have shaped its geographical space, its demography and its plural communities will also be covered. The students will study and explore aspects of the history, economic and administrative development, and the social, cultural and artistic patrimony of Macau through lectures, film, fieldwork, and reading of local writers and specialists who had written about Macau and its people.
最後更新: October 29, 2024 在 4:28 pm