學制 | 教學語言 | 校舍 |
2年(夜間) | 英語 | 青洲校舍 |
- 學生能計劃並進行社會研究,以發展和促進社會工作專業實務
- 學生將學習如何促進社會公義並尋求解决社會問題的方法
- 學生探索影響個人、家庭和社區的各種社會議題
- 學生發展個人、家庭和社區實務之研判、介入與評估的知識和技能
- 社會工作者
- 老年服務人員
- 青年工作者
- 心理健康個案經理
- 懲教人員
- 兒童保護人員
- 心理健康顧問
- 擁有相關領域的學士學位或同等學歷(必需)
- 具有較强的書面和口語溝通能力
- 能展現獨立的學習能力,並能自主完成工作的計劃與執行
- 能與他人合作
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課程批示(中葡版本) (請按此處)
Year 1
This course module will focus and discuss the various topics such as facing the challenges of management, knowing the environment, planning and program design, applying the organizational theories, creating organizational designs, developing and managing human resources, establishing supervisory relationships, managing finances to meet the program goals, mindful of leadership and performance in human service organizations.
This course module will discuss the different topics on crafting / developing social welfare progarms and services to the different clientele groups such as children, adolescent/youth, women, elderly, families, people with disabilities, special group of people with special needs such as drug/substance dependents /addiction, victim-survivors of disasters / crisis situations (both natural phenomena and man-made), or emergency situations. It shall also cover the monitoring and evaluation of the social welfare programs and services and the results of this evaluation will be utilized in modification / upgrading of the appropriate programs and services for the various clientele groups.
"This course covers the purpose, values and contexts of social work practice. It explores social and psychological thoughts, and theories relevant to social work practice. Major concepts and principles are discussed utilizing an interdisciplinary perspective.
The course reviews the characteristics of potential client populations and the socio-cultural contexts for intervention. It involves the analysis of direct and indirect professional practice tackling novel situations in local context. "
The course reviews the characteristics of potential client populations and the socio-cultural contexts for intervention. It involves the analysis of direct and indirect professional practice tackling novel situations in local context. "
"This course provides a framework of analyzing and formulating social policy in the current political, economic and social environment in local context. It examines the roles and processes in social policy and the translation of policy to social service delivery in bringing about social welfare. By understanding how and why social policies develop, students learn to analyze policy and think critically about the use of policy for intervention in the social welfare sector.
Students will become familiar with the roles of government and non-government organizations in implementing social policies. This should further the understanding of the development of welfare services to meet the needs of the vulnerable groups in the context of rapid economic and social change."
Students will become familiar with the roles of government and non-government organizations in implementing social policies. This should further the understanding of the development of welfare services to meet the needs of the vulnerable groups in the context of rapid economic and social change."
"In view of the demographic change and aging trends in Macau, it is of importance to contribute new and effective solutions that are sensitive to the needs of older adults, their families and the communities at large. Not only do we aim to achieve optimal independency of older adults at the individual and family levels, we also aspire to foster an age-friendly environment in the community and organizational levels.
This course examines aging as natural processes of human growth with emphasis on the psychological and social aspects of aging. This course also explores the changes in demographic structure, and seeks to familiarize students with policies and social services provided to strengthen and support elderly in Macau. "
This course examines aging as natural processes of human growth with emphasis on the psychological and social aspects of aging. This course also explores the changes in demographic structure, and seeks to familiarize students with policies and social services provided to strengthen and support elderly in Macau. "
"This course provides students with an understanding of the etiology, types and the demography of persons with disabilities in Macau. It seeks to familiarize students with policies and social services, particularly community-based services, provided to strengthen and support persons with disabilities. It also enables students to understand the needs, problems and adjustment of people with disabilities; and to familiarize students with the methods of assessment, intervention and prevention of disabilities. Approaches in working with both persons with disabilities and their families/carers will be studied.
The roles of social workers in a multi-disciplinary team and rehabilitation services will be examined. At the policy level, social workers as advocates will be studied. "
The roles of social workers in a multi-disciplinary team and rehabilitation services will be examined. At the policy level, social workers as advocates will be studied. "
"The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health is a state of emotional, psychological and social well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. (WHO, 2014).
This course module will discuss and focus on trauma and mental health aspects for those social workers who are exposed and working in various settings such as community mental health centers, public health, behavioral health care agencies, consumer advocacy organizations, inpatient and outpatient units of primary health care settings, residential programs, psychiatric rehabilitation centers, geriatric and hospice centers, government and non-government organizations/agencies of health and mental health, humanitarian agencies (i.e., local and international) serving the different clientele groups of people. It is essential that social work practitioners must learn and envision excellence in current and future directions of mental health services, practices and policies here in Macau as well as in other countries. "
This course module will discuss and focus on trauma and mental health aspects for those social workers who are exposed and working in various settings such as community mental health centers, public health, behavioral health care agencies, consumer advocacy organizations, inpatient and outpatient units of primary health care settings, residential programs, psychiatric rehabilitation centers, geriatric and hospice centers, government and non-government organizations/agencies of health and mental health, humanitarian agencies (i.e., local and international) serving the different clientele groups of people. It is essential that social work practitioners must learn and envision excellence in current and future directions of mental health services, practices and policies here in Macau as well as in other countries. "
This course module will discuss the nature and extent of drug/substance abuse / addiction as global health problems and in Macau contemporary society. It will provide its etiology, theoretical framework of addiction, cycle of addiction, models of addiction, different kinds of addiction, addictive behavior or behavioral addiction and co-dependency. Furthermore, the social worker’s role and responsibilities in the preventive, treatment and rehabilitation, recovery, relapse prevention and after-care programs and services for the drug users / addicts will be covered in this course module.
"As a result of the rapid economic growth and development of Macau, the Mainland and Hong Kong, Macau has experienced dramatic social and demographic changes. It is foreseeable that cross-border marriages and single-parent families will come to represent a significant proportion of families in Macau. As families are increasingly under stress, more proactive family policies and services are required to meet the challenges ahead.
This course explores the changes in family structure and functions, and seeks to familiarize students with policies and social services provided to strengthen and support family life in Macau. The roles of social workers in family services will be studied. Policies and services (at macro level) as well as models of therapy (at micro level) will also be discussed. "
This course explores the changes in family structure and functions, and seeks to familiarize students with policies and social services provided to strengthen and support family life in Macau. The roles of social workers in family services will be studied. Policies and services (at macro level) as well as models of therapy (at micro level) will also be discussed. "
Year 2
The master dissertation focuses on research work resulting in a scientific dissertation on one of the course topics. The dissertation must be original, providing a unique opportunity for testing the scientific skills of the student. It should be submitted at the end of semester 3. The research work must involve theoretical and/or experimental components, promoting the understanding and problem-solving skills in new and non-familiar situations, the selection and rational collection of information and adequate bibliography, the adoption of appropriate approach methodologies, the creation of a solution for the problem presented and its implementation, and a critical analysis of the results. The master dissertation must show that the candidate is a specialist in that field and that he/she has acquired an expertise in the chosen dissertation area.
最後更新: September 9, 2024 在 4:26 pm