

Comparative law is, deservedly, gaining more and more attention and credit in the academic and professional worlds. It is indeed becoming much relevant in such issues as law reform, understanding the current cosmopolitan world, academic research, and so on. It has several other functions some of which are not much known in fields such as conflicts of law, international criminal cooperation, and many others. It should be more studied and it does enrich a student juridical background in many ways.

It should be more studied and it does enrich a student juridical background in many ways and endows the students with new relevant legal tools, both theoretical and from the praxis. The approach and materials will be modern and updated and will depart from the already outdated classical approaches and issues.

A myriad of «specialized» comparative laws is blossoming, such as comparative constitutional law, administrative comparative law, labour comparative law, and so many more. Within the comparative law science, a field is deservedly gaining more and more relevance, and traction, comparative constitutional law. Comparative constitutional law was, with Aristotle, after all, the original seed of comparative law studies.

Macau is a particularly relevant case study, a laboratory one may say, for the field of comparative law in general and even more so for comparative constitutional law.




  1. Comparative law – an introduction, history and methodology issues
  2. Nature and main functions of («general») comparative law
  3. Modalities of juridical comparison – from Mega to Micro
  4. The main legal families (or patterns or traditions or clusters or….) in the world – in general 
  5. Comparative constitutional law and traditional comparative law – Comparative Constitutional Law: History, Uses, Purposes, Challenges and methodology
  6. The traditional main legal families’ proposals: Serviceable to Comparative Constitutional Law?
  7. Comparative constitutional law as a predecessor of (general) comparative law – vg, Aristotle
  8. Comparative constitutional law and subnational constitutions: Still comparative constitutional law?
  9. A great divide: Political regimes as the greatest rift: autocracies, constitutional democracies
  10. Common topics on comparative constitutional law – vg Constitutions, forms of State, defence of the Constitution, judicial protection of fundamental rights
  11. Constitutions as the essential raw material in comparative constitutional law: Classifications of Constitutions
  12. The defence of the Constitution: Constitutional review: an introduction – Austrian system (concentrated), Diffuse system (USA), Mixed system (Portugal), Merely apparent/Non-existent/Non-operational – vg Constitutions without constitutionalism
  13. Forms of State: Territorial Organization of the State – Introduction and historical aspects, Federalism, Unitary system, Unitary with regionalism – partial versus integral and symmetric versus asymmetric, State of the art: Blurred distinctions and fluid borders of the classic models
  14. Judicial protection of fundamental rights:  In general: Judicial and non-judicial mechanisms, Normal judicial machinery, Specific judicial mechanisms – Amparo, Verfassungsbeschwerde, habeas corpus, habeas data, Indirect protection? constitutional review examples
  15. Macau and comparative law – use and relevance
  16. Macau and comparative constitutional law– use and relevance


課程詳情 :

導師:Mr. Paulo Cardinal
日期:2024年10月14日 至 2024年10月31日
時間:週一、二、四 19:00 – 21:00


對象:Public workers, Lawyers and jurists in general that understand and wish to explore that Macau is a juridical laboratory in terms of comparative law and in which legal comparisons are very common and relevant, be it in law making, being in contract making namely with Hong Kong and Mainland. It is also a very important tool for all those that wish to better their knowledge, to reinforce its understanding of Law in general and of several fields of law in particular constitutional law. Macau is not an isolated «legal» island and it is in a context of a legal world more and more cosmopolitan, more and more connected, more and more mutually influenced and those who wish to further explore these topics will have a very good opportunity with this course



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UWE KISCHEL, Comparative Law, 2019

GIUSEPPE DE VERGOTTINI, ‘’Constitutional Law and the Comparative Method’’, in J. Cremades, C. Hermida (eds.), Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism, Springer 2021

PAULO CARDINAL, ‘’The Role and Influence of Portuguese Law In the Macau Sar of PR China – Issues and perspectives’’, in Portugal in the Lusophone World: Law and Geopolitics, (Paulo Duarte, Rui Albuquerque and António Tavares, eds.), Palgrave, 2023, pp. 65 – 86

GÜNTER FRANKENBERG, Comparative Constitutional Studies: Between Magic and Deceit, Edward Elgar Pub, 2018




UGO MATTEI, Three Patterns of Law: Taxonomy and Change in the World’s Legal Systems, American Journal of Comparative Law, 1997

IGNAZIO CASTELLUCCI, Legal Hybridity in Hong Kong and Macau, McGill LJ 665, 2012, pp. 665–720

TONG IO CHENG/SALVATORE MANCUSO, New Frontiers of Comparative Law, LexisNexis, 2013

GLENN PATRICK, Legal Traditions of the World: Sustainable Diversity in Law, 2010

PETER DE CRUZ, Comparative Law in a Changing World, 2007

MATHIAS REIMANN/REINHARD ZIMMERMANN, The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law, (2nd edit), 2019

ROSALIND DIXON AND TOM GINSBURG, Comparative Constitutional Law, Edward Elgar, 2011 

MICHEL ROSENFELD AND ANDRÁS SAJÓ, The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law, OUP, 2012

RAN HIRSCHL, Comparative Matters – The Renaissance of Comparative Constitutional Law, Oxford University Press, 2014

MARK TUSHNET, Advanced Introduction to Comparative Constitutional Law, Edward Elgar, 2014

ROSALIND DIXON AND TOM GINSBURG, Comparative Constitutional Law in Asia, Edward Elgar, 2014

ROSALIND DIXON and ADRIENNE STONE, The Invisible Constitution in Comparative Perspective, Cambridge University Press, 2018

DAVID E. LANDAU and HANNA LERNER (Eds), Comparative Constitution Making, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019

ROGER MASTERMAN and ROBERT SCHÜTZE, The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Constitutional Law, Cambridge University Press, 2019

Further materials may be referred to or hand to the students.






