
Effective communication is vital for students’ success in various situations. Communications training can thus assist students to develop a number of skills: speaking, listening and interacting, and even writing skills.

However studies reveal that some students do not feel comfortable with speaking in public, showing some difficulty in expressing themselves, especially in situations which require a certain “formality” or “demandingness”. Lack of confidence seems to be behind this issue. In the case that nothing is done, the students will carry this “pressure” into adulthood.

While self-confidence fuels success, low self-confidence can lead to both social anxiety, shyness, and related communication difficulties. My proposal is then to fill this gap with a bridge to an ideal environment, which not only will be able to help instilling self-confidence and personal growth, and encouraging values of integrity and respect, but also to help developing the students’ understanding and capacity of dealing with verbal and non-verbal communication, interconnected with the capacity of listening actively. Active listening is a communication skill that involves going beyond simply hearing the words that another person speaks but also seeking to understand the meaning and intent behind them. It requires being an active participant in the communication process. It is then related to the ability to perceive how various individuals relate to each other and make appropriate interventions.

Correspondingly, this proposal will help creating a positive workspace designed to help young people to improve their speaking skills and master prepared and impromptu speeches.

In summary, this idea will be based around a daily agenda suggesting a set of organized prepared speeches, impromptus and reading of poetry. Speakers will be given the freedom to join with their own speeches as well as with constructive feedbacks, demonstrating empathy and attention to the particular.

For each session, the students will be given an Evaluation Form, a type of survey form that asks for subjective and objective feedback from the participants about the speaker. The results of this survey can be used to develop, revise, and improve the ability of the speaker.

This one-month intensive communication course will also include workshops (voice mechanism and micro-facial expressions) and learning moments /sessions.


 Topic 1  Learning Moment: How do we communicate?
  Learning Moment: Non – Verbal communication
Topic 2  Project: The Ice- breaker
Topic 3  Workshop: Face Microexpression
  Project: Organize/ Structure your ideas
Topic 4  Workshop: Voice Mechanism
  Project: Communicate exactly what you mean
Topic 5  Learning Moment: Public Speaking I
  Project: Your Body speaks
Topic 6  Learning Moment: Public Speaking II
  Project: Make use of your Body Language
Topic 7  Project: Reciting Poetry for making use of your Vocal Variety
Topic 8  Project: Research, rehearse
Topic 9  Project: Engage, Persuade
Topic 10  Project: Connect, Inspire


課程詳情 :

導師:Maria Paula Monteiro
日期:2023年05月15日 至 06月07日
時間:週一、三 19:00 – 21:00
學費:澳門幣 2,000



Maria Paula Monteiro

Maria Paula G. R. A. Monteiro graduated in English and German Literature in the University of Lisbon, in 1982. Simultaneously to meet her personal learning needs was she attending the British Institute and the German Institute in Lisbon. In 2009, she post-graduated in Sports Marketing in ISCTE Business School. As a result, she received an invitation to be co-author of “12 Successful Stories of Sports Marketing”, published by D. Quixote, in Portugal.

Having an extensive work experience from Macau to Portugal and Spain, managing diverse challenges and demands such as a Public Relations, Media Consultant, Brand Manager, Art Director, events and film Producer, and a teacher made Maria Paula Monteiro a multi skilled and fast service provider. Being raised in Mozambique gave her, from a very young age, the sense of diversity and the ability to easily understand differences and make the most of it.


In 1986, she started her career as a teacher in main secondary schools in Lisbon, Portugal, and soon was she implementing interdisciplinary projects, designed to promote collaborative work within the schools, involving theatre, music, poetry, exhibitions and conferences with well-known personalities and celebrities.

In 1989, she moved to Spain where she worked in the Meetings industry, as a translator and interpreter.

In 1992, she was invited to work as a Television Producer and Public Relations Director in internationally reputed Valentim de Carvalho Productions and Studios.

During this period, as an event organizer and producer, she putt on successful live music concerts in Lisbon, in Estufa Fria and Coliseu dos Recreios, and an international music festival for Peace in Torre de Belém.

In 1994, she took the invitation to work in Macau Tourism Office as a media-liaison adviser.

Back to Portugal Maria Paula Monteiro founded Manpolam – her own Public Relations company, in 2002. Her work involving building mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their public and press.

In 2011, she starts working as a Media Specialist and an International Market Manager for Stopline Film Productions, one of the biggest film producing companies in Portugal.

As a creative and executive film Producer, she started ART8 company in 2015, in Macau, and premiered her feature length documentary about the life and work of Portuguese Poet Camilo Pessanha. PESANIÉ film was launched in Macau and Lisbon, in 2017 and 2018, respectively. In 2018, as a film producer she was also responsible for the first interactive film produced in Macau, Cadavre Exquis, involving both the University of Algarve and St Joseph University for educational purposes on Digital Art, Technology and Communication.
During this period, she accepted the challenge to work as an ambassador for a Portuguese premium Douro winery, opening markets in Vietnam, Japan and Macau.

As singer and a writer, she launched her EP “Laços” and her bilingual (Portuguese- Chinese) book “Nada te Morre” in the Macau Script Road Festival, in 2021. A second edition will be launched in Portugal this year. Now she is preparing “Mar Português”, a project that values Poetry and Fado -the Portuguese traditional song and music!

** 此課程內容及相關資料僅提供英文版本 **


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