

Wystan Hugh Auden (21 February 1907 – 29 September 1973), was a British poet (later a naturalized USA citizen), professor of literature, author of the famed Lectures on Shakespeare, based on lectures given in 1946-47 in New York, author or co-author of travelling literature such as Journey to a War, 1939, written in these Asian lands while the terrible Sino Japanese war was raging, author of libretti.  

Furthermore, Auden was a Man of the World, Man of causes – good causes – such as freedom, peace, solidarity, justice, human rights, was usually fairly well regarded poetically but is, now, deservedly, extremely well regarded as one of the very top poets, if not the Everestian XX century poet in English language.

Law and Justice are both very much present in Auden’s poetry (and not only). In fact, W.H. Auden is undoubtfully one of the poets that best incarnate the modern and suitable Law and Literature topos

In truth, the unavoidable Law Like Love (1939) is, in fairness, the subject of several legal studies focusing on the Law and Literature drive but it is also fairly used on papers, lessons and so on, regarding the holy grail quest of what is Law? What is Justice? 

However, regardless of the obvious relevance of Law Like Love, there is more, much more, succulent material such as New Year Letter, Refugee Blues, The Hidden Law, or, needless to emphasize, The Unknown Citizen.





An introduction to Law and Literature: «Law as literature», «Law in literature», «Law alongside literature» – The jurisliterary: «The Republic of Letters and the Republic of Lawyers are one and the same, single and several in their imbrications.».

«Despite their apparent separation, law and literature have been closely linked fields throughout history. Linguistic creativity is central to the law, with literary modes such as narrative and metaphor infiltrating legal texts. Equally, legal norms of good and bad conduct, of identity and human responsibility, are reflected or subverted in literature’s engagement with questions of law and justice. Law seeks to regulate creative expression, while literary texts critique and sometimes openly resist the law.».

«Law and literature” brings together two overlapping bodies of thought, the legal and the literary, that have much in common, including an emphasis on rhetoric. Many works of literature deal with law (and its origins, which include revenge). Law itself is formulated and announced in writings, such as statutes, the Constitution, and judicial opinions, that sometimes exhibit a density, complexity, and open-endedness comparable to what one finds in literary works.»



W.A. Auden: The Man, the Citizen (of the World), the Poet:

– A Man of many good causes.

Reflections on freedom and art, Auden´s response to UNESCO’s 1947 survey on the philosophical foundations of human rights.

– Auden is a giant of XXth poetry with a sustained engagement with the times in which he lived, (war at a scale unseen and unfelt, times of inhumanity, of unrecht, times of untermenschen doctrines, times of utter degradation of values and principles, times of refugees, times of dictatorships, particularly what Auden coined as «A Low Dishonest Decade»).



Audens’s canon of his general interest in the law and visions of Law and Justice (and how war affects those):

Law Like Love;

Unknown Citizen;

September 1939;

Refugee Blues;

In Time of War; (vg XVI – XX) – Sonnets from China (vg XII, XIII, XVIII).



Addendum: Auden on Macau and Hong Kong


課程詳情 :

導師:Mr. Paulo Cardinal
日期:2024年12月02日 至 2024年12月12日
時間:週一、二、四 19:00 – 21:00


對象:General public, Legal personnel, including legal experts at public departments, literature teachers, Macau and Hong Kong historians, political scientists



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TONY SHARPE, W.H. Auden in context, CUP, 2013

STAN SMITH, The Cambridge Companion to W. H. Auden, 2009

HUMPHREY CARPENTER, W. H. Auden: A Biography, Faber & Faber, 2011

JOHN HAFFENDEN, W.H. Auden: the critical heritage, Routledge, 1997

NASSER HUSSAIN, ‘’Auden’s Law Like Love’’, Law Culture and the Humanities, 17, 2019

LINDA ROSS MEYER, ‘’Law Like Love?’’, Law & Literature, 2013

DONALD C. BAKER AND ELIZABETH D. BAKER, ‘’A Great English Poet On China, Hong Kong And Macao: W. H. Auden And ‘A Weed From Catholic Europe’’, 1995, https://www.icm.gov.mo/rc/viewer/20025/1127 

STEPHEN BURT, ‘’”September 1, 1939″ Revisited: Or, Poetry, Politics, and the Idea of the Public’’, American Literary History, Vol. 15, No. 3

MELANIE L. WILLIAMS, ‘’Then and Now: The Natural/Positivist Nexus at War: Auden’s ‘September 1, 1939’’’, Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 31, No. 1, Law and Literature, 2004

NARA ALIGULOVA, ‘’The Unknown Citizen” and Auden’s Political Beliefs’’, Confluence, 2023

KIERAN DOLIN, A Critical Introduction to Law and Literature, CUP, 2007

ALEXANDRA J. ROBERTS, ‘’Constructing a Canon of Law-Related Poetry’’, Texas Law Review, Vol. 90, 2012

MARIANNE WESSON, ‘’Three’s A Crowd: Law, Literature, and Truth’’, Tulsa Law Journal, 1999






