本學位的課程主任是Angus Kuok。
- 學生學習相關知識和技能,以提高工作場所的組織績效和幸福感
- 學生探索可應用於工作環境的不同心理學和管理理論,包括組織行爲和領導力、動機因素、社會心理學和人力資源管理
- 學生計劃並執行研究,提升對領導力、心理學、工作場所幸福感和生産力的認識和理解
- 客戶關係主任
- 管理分析師
- 培訓和發展經理
- 人力資源專員
- 工作場所顧問
- 工作場所輔導員
- 擁有心理學學士學位或同等學歷,並具有相關領域工作經驗(優先錄取)
- 具有較强的書面和口頭交流能力
- 展現獨立的學習能力,並能自主完成任務計劃和執行
- 參與或對與人合作感興趣
Year 1
This course focuses on the analysis of human work behaviour at the individual, group and organizational levels. It also emphasized on some of the psychological aspects happened in organizational settings. Topics such as formation of group, group behaviour, political behavior, and organizational cultures will be discussed
This course examines how leadership is defined and how views of leadership have changed over time. Topics like the types of power, personal characteristics, interpersonal interactions, hierarchical relationships, and others will be discussed. Readings related to how leaders transform and how environmental factors can assist them to be successful leaders.
This interdisciplinary course discusses the consumer as the focus of the marketing system. Course stresses the use of knowledge about consumer behavior in marketing decisions. It examines the contributions of anthropology, sociology, psychology, strategy, and economics to the understanding of consumer buying behavior. Explores individual behavioral variables (needs, motives, perceptions, attitudes, personality, and learning) and group influences (family, social groups, culture, and business) as they affect the consumer decision-making process. Analyzes how marketing programs, especially the communications mix, can be developed to reflect a commitment to providing consumer satisfaction.
In this course, it introduces the improvement about the quality of work life, protection and pormotion of the safety, health, and well-being of workers and the families. Also, it explores the reseach in contempary industrial/organizational psychology, health psychology, and occupational health. In addition, application of researches in Organisational Psychology will be implemented.
This course review the theories of organizational socialization, focusing on how people receive training from organizations, understanding one’s job role, getting support from coworkers, as well as their perception of ones’ future in organizations. Furthermore, it also addressed their formation and changes over time in order to understand their effects and outcomes, which help to provide insights for human resource in staff selection and development.
This course focus on how people in organizations communicate with others, and how conflict and teamwork is generated within organizations, topics such as their functions, channels, process, and direction. Also, the method of negotiation within or between organizations will be addressed.
This course provides the fundamental skills and knowledge in statistics of basic organizational research. Topics cover basic descriptive and inferential statistics, including measures of central tendency, sampling, the normal distribution, hypothesis testing, t-tests for means, correlation and simple linear regression. Activities will include the use of statistical software packages to explore and analysis data and conduct a study related to organizational psychology.
In this course, it introduces some assessment tools which can be applied in organizational setting. Topics like personality, motivation, socializing, job satisfaction, commitment and work engagement, interviewing skills and techniques will be covered. In addition, application of the assessments in researches of Organisational Psychology will be implemented.
This course is an introduction to basic concepts and procedures in the conduct and evaluation of psychological research, it introduces the use of scientific methods in the formulation and solution of psychological related problems. It emphasizes the process of designing, conducting, analysing, interpreting, and applying of research methods as a means to support for making decisions.
Year 2
This course is designed as the final assessment of how the students can apply the theories (e.g., attitudes, job satisfaction, commitment, engagement, personality and values, perception and decision making, motivation, group behaviour, communication, leadership, conflict, political behavior, and organizational cultures) in organizational psychology and conduct a study in their chosen disciplines. In addition, the skills in research methods and data analysis will also be implemented in their studies.