




聖若瑟大學舉辦名為Moviement之展覽,作品展示了大傳播與媒體班學生的創意及才能,該課程更被《Asia Education Review Magazine》認可為亞洲高評分課程。是次展覽以「流動」為主題,圍繞著澳門景觀的流動性和城市的轉變創作




Date: Thursday, 16 May 2024 
Time: 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Location: Fátima Auditorium (6:30 pm) Kent Wong Gallery* (7:30 pm)
Language: English

Organised by: Department of Media, Arts and Technology – Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Moderated by: Prof. João Brochado


at Fátima Auditorium

6:30 pm – Opening Speech

6:35 pm – Group Photo

6:40 pm – Films:

CHANGE (fiction short-film)

A student’s life takes an unexpected turn, forcing him to confront his mobile game addiction.
students: Brian Lou, Leo Lou, Sherwin Hng

SHOTS (fiction short-film)

A camera brings two people together until mysterious shadows start creeping in…
students: Ricaela Diputado, Sara Francia

TRADING LEGENDS (documentary short-film)

A passionate collector shares his special connection with sports trading cards.
students: Cindy Ng, Jessica Tam, Mansi

THE MAKING OF: SCARY UNIVERSITY (fictional documentary)

Three students attempt to create a horror short film project without losing their minds…
students: Catarina Torrado, Mafalda Ramos, Tiago Silva

SIGHT (fiction short-film)

A bullied student only has one friend, but that friend is never there when he really needs…
students: Armindo Neves, Ben Sam Man Chon, Wilson Lam

LISTEN TO ME (fiction short-film)

A struggling musician faces a creative block while composing the main theme song for the biggest dance festival in Asia.
student: Julian Del Rosario



at Kent Wong Gallery (basement)

7:30 pm – Opening and Visit


ADDICTION (creative photography)
student: Leo Lou

AUTHENTICITY (lenticular photography)
student: Sara Francia

INBETWEEN WORLDS (video art installation)
student: Julian Del Rosario

THE FRAGMENTATION OF LOVE (creative photography)
student: Brian Lou

SELFLESS SUPERHERO (mixed media posters)
student: Jessica Tam

HAUNTINGLY BEAUTIFUL (creative photography)
student: Catarina Torrado

THE GENTLE ART (creative photography)
student: Tiago Silva

MACAO’S DIRTY SECRETS (mixed media installation)
student: Mafalda Ramos

SEVEN EMOTIONS (video art)
student: CINDY NG

BLOODY HUMANITY (creative photography)
student: Wilson Lam Chi Hou

NIGHT WORKERS (documental photography)
student: Mansi

TRUE COLORS (video art)
student: Ricaela Diputado

RUIN AND LIFE (creative photography)
student: Armindo Neves

MODERN SHACKLES (creative photography)
student: Sherwin Hng

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*This is a free event and open to the general public