Latest News
USJ’s Faculty of Business and Law and MDEM Lawyers signed a Memorandum of Understanding on May 11, 2023.
On the 8th of May 2023, USJ’s School of Education and Office for Student and Alumni Affairs organised a public career development lecture featuring Eric Leong Ka Chon, the first visually impaired student to complete a master’s degree at USJ.
The annual Procession of Our Lady of Fátima took place in central Macao on the 13th of May, with USJ students, alumni, and staff members participating as a group for the first time.
Leong Wong Un Na has successfully defended her doctoral thesis in History titled: “土生葡人和亞洲葡裔在舊金山灣區 Macanese and Luso-Asians in the San Francisco Bay Area”.
USJ Alumni Mentors Sharing Event offered Bachelor students from the School of Education valuable insights into teaching and serving in local schools.
The Department of Media, Art and Technology of Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH), University of Saint Joseph (USJ) holds its 2022-2023 Graduation Projects Exhibition of Bachelor of Communication and Media on 11th of May.
The University of Saint Joseph Macao and the Labor Affairs Bureau jointly co-hosted a “Career Workshop for Interview Skills” with MGM Representative sharing Interview Skills.
The “Sea of Plastic: A Recycled Art Exhibition” organised by ISE-USJ, held its opening ceremony yesterday, May 8 at 6:30 PM.
USJ will have a representation in the LatinX in AI (LXAI) workshop at the ICML2023 Conference to be held at Honolulu, Hawaii between July 23rd 29th, 2023. Grant opportunities will be offered for academics attending the conference.
USJ’s soccer team has secured the first runner-up position in the ADUM 5-a-side soccer competition held last Sunday.
O seminário híbrido “PLURI 2023 — Português como Língua Pluricêntrica: conceitos e implicações em sala de aula”, foi realizado em Macau pelo Departamento de Línguas e Cultura da USJ e Departamento de Português da UM entre 28 e 30 de abril de 2023.