Latest News
USJSA Election 2020 Result
A milestone for the book “Research Methods in Education”
AAUSJ Anti-epidemic Fundraising for Hubei, China
For the third year, the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) has provided the Mental Health First Aid course.
Alumni Association of USJ Vice-Chairman Addy Chan talked about preventing COVID-19 at home through Facebook Live-Sharing
Press Release from the Diocese/Catholic Foundation (uploaded on 13 February 2020)
Supporting Office to the Permanent Secretariat of Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao) Visited USJ and Achieved Mutual Cooperation Intention
USJ held its 2019/2020 Community Scholarships and Fellowships Award Ceremony on 22 January 2020
Professor Jacky Goo visited the Faculty of Creative Industries on 20 January 2020
USJ and AJCUI Signed MoA for Cooperation on 22 January 2020