The University of Saint Joseph (USJ) organises several events and free public lectures that provide access to educational resources in different areas and topics every academic year.
These events aim to raise awareness and disseminate evidence-based practices and interventions. Some events bring together USJ students and professors, and some are open to partner institutions and the general public.
View all past and upcoming public lectures here.

December 1, 2020
The 2nd and 3rd Chinese and English Calligraphy Competitions were held on-campus on the 3rd and 4th of November 2020.

December 1, 2020
The “Ilha Verde Saint Joseph United Team”, formed by the Saint Joseph Diocese College 6 and the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) men’s division teams, Obtained their first victory by defeating the Parish of St. Anthony in the Diocesan Youth Cup Basketball Match.

December 1, 2020
USJ hosted a “Challenge Station” as part of the “2020 College Health Campus Promotion”, sponsored by the Social Welfare Bureau and co-hosted by YMCA Macau, for two consecutive days.

December 4, 2020
USJ is hosting the first Chinese Art Exhibition, “Sharing Beauty in Harmony: Exhibition of China National Academy of Painting and Macao Artists”.

November 29, 2020
Prof. Rochelle Ge and Prof. Isabel Tchiang from the Faculty of Social Science and Education attended the 2nd Summit of Hong Kong-Macao Youth Education and Development on the 27th and 28th of November.

November 29, 2020
A group of students and staff visited VANNEX International Limited of Macau to raise awareness and to build bridges between research and practice.

December 10, 2020
The Faculty of Religious Studies and Philosophy will hold a Public Lecture titled “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps. 119:105): The Hebrew Bible and Natural Law, on the 12th November 2020.

November 27, 2020
Five USJ students participated the Virtual Social Business Students Forum (SBSF), organised by the Daffodil International University.

November 26, 2020
On November 25, 2020, USJ Vice-Rector Professor Álvaro Barbosa, was appointed AUAP Country Chapter Committee Member for Macao, China (2021 & 2022).

November 26, 2020
A delegation from the Hunan Normal University (HNNU), China, visited the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) with the aim of promoting and strengthening partnership between the two institutions.

December 10, 2020
The Institute of Science and Environment of USJ will hold an online public lecture titled “Water in the Future” on the 10th December 2020.

November 25, 2020
Since 2015, the Institute of Science and Environment (ISE) has been promoting the preservation and sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems through a series of lectures and talks open to the community.

November 23, 2020
Maggie, Wong Chi Wai (BBA Year 4) and Kayla, Ng Hoi Tong (BDC Year 3), were awarded Macau Jockey Club Charity Scholarship.

November 26, 2020
The University of Saint Joseph (USJ) is collaborating with The Salvation Army to organise a Clothing and Goods donation event on the 26th and 27th of November 2020.

November 20, 2020
The third of three Public lectures organised by the Domingos Lam Centre for Research in Education and delivered by Prof. Keith Morrison on “A spotlight on what works in education”, was held on the 17th of November 2020.

November 18, 2020
The “Basic Teacher Training” session conducted by the GEG Chinese Literacy Development Scheme was successfully held at the USJ on the 31st of October 2020.

November 14, 2020
Twelve students of the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) competed in the 3rd “Macao Universities KOM E-sports Games” on the 12th of November 2020.

November 17, 2020
USJ awarded for outstanding performance at the “Galaxy Entertainment Group Macau Cup – The 12th Youth National Knowledge Competition” finals on the 12th of November 2020.

November 16, 2020
A series of field trips to the local wetland ecosystems were organised by the ISE/USJ in the months of October to November this year, with the aim to promote the value of freshwater and brackish/marine ecosystems to the community.

November 16, 2020
USJ’s PIRO and OSAA attended a virtual conference organised by HKU, HKBU, SJTU and HKUST on the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, approaches to tackling and turning those challenges into opportunities, and the future of internationalisation.

November 30, 2020
In times of change and ambiguity, this year’s BODW is curated on the theme VISION 20/21 and is about finding clarity in uncertainty.
Last Updated: February 21, 2023 at 4:42 pm